Riviera Pro

Picture a perfectly groomed landscape that stayed green every day of the year! Forget the maintenance costs and the water bill and spend more time playing catch on an Everlast Turf Riviera Pro lawn!

Riviera Pro synthetic grass features a beautiful combination of field and lime green grass blades paired with a brown thatch layer. This approximately 70 ounce product is specifically designed for durability through it’s “M” grass blade shape as well as an extremely strong backing! Each grass blade is equipped with U.V. inhibitors and is also triple reinforced into the backing through tuft bind technology. Your synthetic lawn will never fade or come apart, no matter how much sun or foot traffic it will experience! The backing is also perforated so liquids can easily pass through without any fuss!

As a terrific option for any residential or commercial property, Riviera Pro artificial grass will save you extra time, water and money! Riviera Pro is guaranteed by our 15 year warranty and will remain flawless for years after! Switch your landscape to synthetic and save!

Recommended Uses: Moderate To Heavy Traffic
Main Application: Landscape
Colors: Field Green/Lime Green

Common uses:

  1. Lawn Replacement
  2. Dog runs
  3. Grass along perimeter of home
  4. Patios, rooftops, balconies
  5. Trade shows
  6. Campgrounds, RV’s

Yarn Characteristics:
Type: Monofilament PE with Thatch
Composition/Structure: Polyethylene
Denier: 12,000/4,400
Colors: Field Green/Lime Green

Manufactured Rolls:
Width: 15 Feet
Length: 100 Feet
Shipping Weight: 1018 Pounds*
Roll Diameter: 24 Inches
Total Product Weight: Approximately 97 Ounces Per Square Yard

Backing Characteristics:
Primary Backing 1
Primary Backing 2
Composition/Structure: 13 Pic
Composition/Structure: 15 Pic
Weight: 3.5 Ounces Per Square Yard
Weight: 3.5 Ounces Per Square Yard

Weight: 70oz Grass
Height: 1.75 Inches
Machine Gauge: 1/2 Inch
Thatch Color Brown:

Particulate Infill:
Type: Quality Infill
Spread: 1.5-2.5 Pounds Per SQFT
Height: .5-.75 Inches